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___一般的設定 General parameters ----------General paramet
         茎 節下の茎の曲がり具合General parameters DrawingNumber of segments to draw to create cu
         茎 節下の方以外の、全体の茎の曲がり具合General parameters DrawingRandom sway in drawing angles.
花弁 蕾実花柄 葉茎枝節成熟する年齢・日数General parameters GrowthAge at maturity.
花弁 蕾実花柄 葉茎枝節全般的な成長曲線General parameters GrowthGrowth curve.
花弁 蕾実花柄    開花がスタートする年齢・日数General parameters GrowthAge at which flowering starts.
花弁 蕾実      成熟した生殖構造(花、実)が全植物体に占める割合General parameters GrowthFraction of total plant biomass at matu
花弁 蕾萼実花柄 枝分岐第一花序と第二花序を持つGeneral parameters GrowthPlant has both primary and secondary fl
        葉 分岐双葉が出るGeneral parameters GrowthPlant is dicotyledonous (has two seedli
花弁 蕾萼実花柄   先端に付く花の数General parameters GrowthNumber of apical (terminal) inflorescen
花弁 蕾萼実花柄   脇に付く花の数General parameters GrowthNumber of axillary inflorescences.
        葉  葉の回転角度General parameters GrowthPhyllotactic rotation angle.
        葉  発芽の乱数General parameters GrowthStarting seed for random number generat

_______分岐Meristems (buds)--------------- ;---------------------- Meristems (buds
   葉茎枝分岐脇の分岐と葉の配置(対生alternate・互生opposite)Meristems (buds) BranchingAxillary meristem and leaf arrangement.
   葉茎枝分岐分岐のインデックスMeristems (buds) BranchingBranching index.
    茎枝節 頂芽優性の強度(節の距離としての)Meristems (buds) BranchingApical dominance strength (as node dist
花弁蕾花柄   茎枝分岐 二番目の分岐(枝からの分岐)Meristems (buds) BranchingSecondary branching (branches off branc
     枝分岐仮軸の分岐Meristems (buds) BranchingSympodial branching.
    茎枝  主茎(幹)と枝の角度Meristems (buds) BranchingBranching angle.
花弁蕾  枝節 各成長点が開花信号を受けた時、再成長する可能性Meristems (buds) BranchingProbability each meristem will become r
     枝分岐分岐の芽の形状Meristems (buds) DrawingMeristem 3D object.
      分岐分岐の芽の最大サイズMeristems (buds) DrawingMeristem scale at full size.
     枝分岐分岐の芽のX軸回転Meristems (buds) DrawingMeristem X rotation.
      分岐分岐の芽のY軸回転Meristems (buds) DrawingMeristem Y rotation.
      分岐分岐の芽のZ軸回転Meristems (buds) DrawingMeristem Z rotation.
      分岐分岐の芽の表面の色Meristems (buds) DrawingMeristem front face color.
      分岐分岐の芽の裏面の色Meristems (buds) DrawingMeristem back face color.

________節間(茎)Internodes (stems)--------------Internodes (ste
     茎  茎の色Internodes (stems) DrawingInternode color.
     茎 最初の茎のカーブInternodes (stems) DrawingCurving index for first internode.
     茎 初め以外の全部の茎のカーブInternodes (stems) DrawingCurving index for all internodes but fi
     茎 成熟した時の茎の長さInternodes (stems) SizeLength at optimal biomass.
     茎  成熟した時の茎の太さInternodes (stems) SizeWidth at optimal biomass.
     茎  茎の最終組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Internodes (stems) Creation and growthOptimal final biomass (as percent of ma
      分岐分岐の芽が出来る最初の日Internodes (stems) Creation and growthMinimum days for meristem to create.
      分岐分岐の芽が最大に達する日Internodes (stems) Creation and growthMaximum days for meristem to create.
花弁       枝分岐最終的な枝と脇枝の形成に必要な組織量Internodes (stems) Creation and growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁蕾萼実花柄葉茎枝分岐植物生成後の変更を可能にするInternodes (stems) Creation and growthCan recover from stunting at creation.
          分岐分岐の芽が成長するまでの最小日数Internodes (stems) TimingMinimum days to grow.
          分岐分岐の芽が成長するまでの最長日数Internodes (stems) TimingMaximum days to grow.
      茎 乗数としての、茎の伸びる変化量Internodes (stems) BoltingLength increase due to bolting, multipl
     葉茎 節節の成長日数Internodes (stems) BoltingDays to bolt.

________Leaves --------------- ;---------------------- Leaves.
    葉 葉の形状Leaves Drawing leafLeaf 3D object.
    葉 成熟した時の葉の大きさLeaves Drawing leafLeaf 3D object scale at optimal leaf bi
    葉 葉のX軸回転Leaves Drawing leafLeaf X rotation.
    葉 葉のY軸回転Leaves Drawing leafLeaf Y rotation.
    葉 葉のZ軸回転Leaves Drawing leafLeaf Z rotation.
    葉 葉の表の色Leaves Drawing leafLeaf front face color.
    葉  葉の裏の色Leaves Drawing leafLeaf back face color.
    葉  葉の数(単純な場合は1)Leaves Compound leavesNumber of leaflets (1 if simple).
    葉葉柄複葉の状態(羽状複葉・掌状複葉)Leaves Compound leavesCompound leaf shape.
    葉葉柄葉の付き方は、羽状か掌状か?Leaves Compound leavesIf pinnate, alternate or opposite.
     葉葉柄複葉の葉柄の長さLeaves Compound leavesCompound leaf spread index.
     葉葉柄複葉の最初の葉柄の角度Leaves Compound leavesCompound leaf bend angle at start.
     葉葉柄複葉のフルサイズ時の葉柄の角度Leaves Compound leavesCompound leaf bend angle at full size.
     葉葉柄葉柄と茎の角度Leaves Drawing petioleAngle between stem and petiole.
     葉葉柄葉柄の色Leaves Drawing petiolePetiole color.
     葉葉柄葉が成熟した時の葉柄の長さLeaves Drawing petiolePetiole length when leaf has optimal bi
     葉葉柄葉が成熟した時の葉柄の太さLeaves Drawing petiolePetiole width when leaf has optimal bio
     葉葉柄葉柄の太さを次第に細くする割合Leaves Drawing petiolePetiole taper index (taper to % of widt
     葉托葉托葉の数Leaves Drowing stipuleNumber of sections in stipule.
     葉托葉托葉の形状Leaves Drowing stipuleStipule section 3D object.
     葉托葉葉が成熟した時の托葉の大きさvLeaves Drowing stipuleStipule section 3D object scale at opti
     葉托葉托葉のX軸回転Leaves Drowing stipuleStipule section X rotation.
     葉托葉托葉のY軸回転Leaves Drowing stipuleStipule section Y rotation.
     葉托葉托葉のZ軸回転Leaves Drowing stipuleStipule section Z rotation.
     葉托葉托葉の表面の色Leaves Drowing stipuleStipule section front face color.
     葉托葉托葉の裏面の色Leaves Drowing stipuleStipule section back face color.
     葉托葉枝托葉と主たる枝との角度Leaves Drowing stipuleAngle between stipule and main stem.
     葉   葉の組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Leaves Creation ad growthOptimal biomass (as percent of maximum
     葉  枝葉の成長曲線Leaves Creation ad growthGrowth curve.
     葉   植物が最終的に形成された時最適な葉の大きさLeaves Creation ad growthFraction of optimal final biomass at cr
     葉   葉が成長するまでの最小日数Leaves TimingMinimum days to grow.
     葉   葉が成長するまでの最長日数Leaves TimingMaximum days to grow.

________葉の芽Seedling leaves ---------------;---------------------- Seedling leaves
     葉葉芽葉の芽の形状Seedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf 3D object.
     葉葉芽葉の芽の最大サイズSeedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf scale at full size.
     葉葉芽葉の芽のX軸回転Seedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf X rotation.
     葉葉芽葉の芽のY軸回転Seedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf Y rotation.
     葉葉芽葉の芽のZ軸回転Seedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf Z rotation.
     葉葉芽葉の芽の正面の色Seedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf front face color.
     葉葉芽葉の芽の裏面の色Seedling leaves DrawingSeedling leaf back face color.
     葉葉芽茎 節苗葉が無くなる時の、主茎の節の数Seedling leaves TimingNumber of nodes on main stem when seedl

______主要な花Primary flowers ---------------;---------------------- Primary flowers
花弁    花弁の数Primary flowers PetalsNumber of petals on flower.
花弁    花弁の形状Primary flowers PetalsFlower petal 3D object.
花弁    花弁の最大サイズPrimary flowers PetalsFlower petal scale at full size.
花弁    花弁のX軸回転Primary flowers PetalsFlower petal X rotation.
花弁    花弁のY軸回転Primary flowers PetalsFlower petal Y rotation.
花弁    花弁のZ軸回転Primary flowers PetalsFlower petal Z rotation.
花弁    花弁の正面の色Primary flowers PetalsFlower petal front face color.
花弁    花弁の裏面の色Primary flowers PetalsFlower petal back face color.
花弁    花弁を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers PetalsFlower petals are radially arranged.
花弁    花弁と主茎の角度Primary flowers PetalsAngle between petals and main stem.
花弁    花弁の組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Primary flowers Creation ad growthOptimal biomass (as percent of maximum
花弁    植物がどのくらい大きくなったら開花するかPrimary flowers Creation ad growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁   実植物がどのくらい大きくなったら実をつけるかPrimary flowers Creation ad growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁    花弁が成長するまでの最小日数Primary flowers TimingMinimum days to grow.
花弁    花弁が成長するまでの最長日数Primary flowers TimingMaximum days to grow.
花弁    花弁が開花までの最小日数Primary flowers TimingMinimum days before opening.
花弁   実果実が成るまでの最小日数Primary flowers TimingMinimum days before fruit can be set.
花弁   実果実が無い場合、落花までの日Primary flowers TimingDays until drop if fruit not set.

_______第一花序Primary flowers,advanced ---------------;---------------------- Primary flowers
  しべ   雌しべの数Primary flowers,advanced PistilsNumber of pistils in flower.
  しべ   花柱の最大の長さPrimary flowers,advanced PistilsStyle length at full size.
  しべ   花柱の最大の太さPrimary flowers,advanced PistilsStyle width at full size.
  しべ   花柱の太さを次第に細くする割合Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStyle taper index (taper to % of width)
  しべ   花柱と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced PistilsAngle between style and main flower axi
  しべ   花柱の色Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStyle color.
  しべ   柱頭の数Primary flowers,advanced PistilsNumber of sections in stigma.
  しべ   柱頭の形状Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section 3D object.
  しべ   柱頭の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section scale at full size.
  しべ   柱頭のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section X rotation.
  しべ   柱頭のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section Y rotation.
  しべ   柱頭のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section Z rotation.
  しべ   柱頭の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section front face color.
  しべ   柱頭の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma section back face color.
  しべ   柱頭を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced PistilsStigma sections are radially arranged.
  しべ   1つの花のおしべの数Primary flowers,advanced StamensNumber of stamens in flower.
  しべ   花糸の最大の長さPrimary flowers,advanced StamensFilament length at full size.
  しべ   花糸の最大の太さPrimary flowers,advanced StamensFilament width at full size.
  しべ   花糸の太さを次第に細くする割合Primary flowers,advanced StamensFilament taper index (taper to % of wid
  しべ   花糸の色Primary flowers,advanced StamensFilament color.
  しべ   花糸と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced StamensAngle between filament and main flower
  しべ   葯の数Primary flowers,advanced StamensNumber of sections in anther.
  しべ   葯の形状Primary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section 3D object.
  しべ   葯の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section scale at full size.
  しべ   葯のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section X rotation.
  しべ   葯のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section Y rotation.
  しべ   葯のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section Z rotation.
  しべ   葯の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section front face color.
  しべ   葯の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced StamensAnther section back face color.
  しべ   葯を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced StamensAnther sections are radially arranged.
花弁    2重目の花弁の数Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsNumber of petals in second petal row.
花弁    2重目の花弁の形状Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row 3D object.
花弁    2重目の花弁の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row scale at full size.
花弁    2重目の花弁のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row X rotation.
花弁    2重目の花弁のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row Y rotation.
花弁    2重目の花弁のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row Z rotation.
花弁    2重目の花弁の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row front face color.
花弁    2重目の花弁の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond petal row back face color.
花弁    2重目の花弁を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsSecond row petals are radially arranged
花弁    2重目の花弁と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced Second raw of PetalsAngle between second-row petals and mai
花弁    3重目の花弁の数Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsNumber of petals in third petal row.
花弁    3重目の花弁の形状Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row 3D object.
花弁    3重目の花弁の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row scale at full size.
花弁    3重目の花弁のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row X rotation.
花弁    3重目の花弁のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row Y rotation.
花弁    3重目の花弁のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row Z rotation.
花弁    3重目の花弁の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row front face color.
花弁    3重目の花弁の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird petal row back face color.
花弁    3重目の花弁を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsThird row petals are radially arranged.
花弁    3重目の花弁と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced Third row of petalsAngle between third-row petals and main
花弁    4重目の花弁の数Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsNumber of petals in fourth petal row.
花弁    4重目の花弁の形状Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row 3D object.
花弁    4重目の花弁の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row scale at full size.
花弁    4重目の花弁のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row X rotation.
花弁    4重目の花弁のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row Y rotation.
花弁    4重目の花弁のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row Z rotation.
花弁    4重目の花弁の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row front face color.
花弁    4重目の花弁の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth petal row back face color.
花弁    4重目の花弁を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsFourth row petals are radially arranged
花弁    4重目の花弁と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced Fouth row of petalsAngle between fourth-row petals and mai
花弁    5重目の花弁の数Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsNumber of petals in fifth petal row.
花弁    5重目の花弁の形状Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row 3D object.
花弁    5重目の花弁の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row scale at full size.
花弁    5重目の花弁のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row X rotation.
花弁    5重目の花弁のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row Y rotation.
花弁    5重目の花弁のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row Z rotation.
花弁    5重目の花弁の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row front face color.
花弁    5重目の花弁の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth petal row back face color.
花弁    5重目の花弁を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsFifth row petals are radially arranged.
花弁    5重目の花弁と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced Fifth row of petalsAngle between fifth-row petals and main
  萼   ガク片の数Primary flowers,advanced SepalsNumber of sepals on flower.
  萼   ガク片の形状Primary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal 3D object.
  萼   ガク片の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal scale at full size.
  萼   ガク片のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal X rotation.
  萼   ガク片のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal Y rotation.
  萼   ガク片のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal Z rotation.
  萼   ガク片の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal front face color.
  萼   ガク片の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced SepalsSepal back face color.
  萼   ガク片を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced SepalsSepals are radially arranged.
  萼   ガク片と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced SepalsAngle between sepals and main stem.
花弁蕾   描画方法(つぼみなし、形状指定、小さい花)Primary flowers,advanced Flower budHow to draw bud.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁の数Primary flowers,advanced Flower budNumber of petals on flower bud.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁の形状Primary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal 3D object.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁の最大の大きさPrimary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal scale at full size.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁のX軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal X rotation.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁のY軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal Y rotation.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁のZ軸回転Primary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal Z rotation.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁の表面の色Primary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal front face color.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁の裏面の色Primary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petal back face color.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁を放射状に整えるPrimary flowers,advanced Flower budBud petals are radially arranged.
  蕾   つぼみの花弁と主茎との角度Primary flowers,advanced Flower budAngle between bud petals and main stem.

________主要な花序Primary inflorescences ---------------;---------------------- Primary inflore
花弁    枝主要な花序の主となる枝に付く花の数Primary inflorescences ArceitectureNumber of flowers on main branch.
花弁    枝主要な花序の脇枝に付く花の数Primary inflorescences ArceitectureNumber of flowers per secondary branch.
花弁    枝主要な花序の第二の枝の数Primary inflorescences ArceitectureNumber of secondary branches.
  花柄   主要な花序の花軸の色Primary inflorescences ArceitectureStalk color.
  花柄   主要な花序の小花柄の色Primary inflorescences ArceitecturePedicel color.
花弁    枝主要な花序の花序枝は交互Primary inflorescences ArceitectureInflorescence branches are alternate.
  花柄   主要な花序の花軸と茎の角度Primary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of inflor. branch with inflor. st
  花柄   主要な花序の花軸(花序の軸)の曲がり具合Primary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle between flowers (to bend infllore
  花柄   主要な花序の花柄と茎の角度Primary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of pedicel with inflor. stem.
  花柄 茎 主要な花序の脇茎の場合の花柄の角度Primary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of peduncle with plant stem if ax
  花柄 茎 主要な花序の頂点の茎の場合の花柄の角度Primary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of peduncle with plant stem if ap
花弁   茎 主要な花序の主茎の周りに花を螺旋状に配置するPrimary inflorescences ArceitectureFlowers spiral around main stem.
花弁     主要な花序のひまわりのようなヘッドタイプPrimary inflorescences ArceitectureHead type (like sunflower).
       主要な花序の頂点の場合、主要な軸の長さPrimary inflorescences SizePrimary stalk length if apical (termina
       主要な花序の脇花の場合、主要な軸の長さPrimary inflorescences SizePrimary stalk length if axillary.
     茎 主要な花序の花との間の節間(節と節の間)の長さPrimary inflorescences SizeInternode length (between flowers).
  花柄   主要な花序の花柄と小花柄の長さPrimary inflorescences SizePedicel (flower stalk) length.
  花柄   主要な花序の花柄と小花柄の太さPrimary inflorescences SizeStem width.
  花柄   主要な花序の花柄の太さを次第に細くする割合Primary inflorescences SizePedicel taper index.
花弁     主要な花序は頂上に付くPrimary inflorescences Creation and growthApical (terminal).
花弁     主要な花序の組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Primary inflorescences Creation and growthOptimal biomass (as percent of maximum
花弁     主要な花序を形成に必要な組織量Primary inflorescences Creation and growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁     植物がどのくらい大きくなったら花をつけるかPrimary inflorescences Creation and growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁     主要な花序の花が全て発育する日Primary inflorescences TimingDays for all flowers to develop.
花弁     主要な花序の花は上から下へ発育するPrimary inflorescences TimingFlowers develop from top to bottom.
花弁   枝節主要な花序の成長点が出来る最小日数Primary inflorescences TimingMinimum days for meristem to create.
花弁    節主要な花序の成長点が出来る最長日数Primary inflorescences TimingMaximum days for meristem to create.
花弁     主要な花序が成長するまでの最小日数Primary inflorescences TimingMinimum days to grow.
花弁     主要な花序が成長するまでの最長日数Primary inflorescences TimingMaximum days to grow.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉の数Primary inflorescences BractsNumber of bracts.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉の形状Primary inflorescences BractsBract 3D object.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉の最大サイズPrimary inflorescences BractsBract scale at full size.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉のX軸回転Primary inflorescences BractsBract X rotation.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉のY軸回転Primary inflorescences BractsBract Y rotation.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉のZ軸回転Primary inflorescences BractsBract Z rotation.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉の表面の色Primary inflorescences BractsBract front face color.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉の裏面の色Primary inflorescences Bracts Bract back face color.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉を放射状に整えるPrimary inflorescences BractsBracts are radially arranged.
      苞葉主要な花序の苞葉と茎の角度Primary inflorescences BractsAngle between bracts and stem.

________果実Fruit ---------------;---------------------- Fruit.
  実    果実の数Fruit  DrawingNumber of sections in fruit.
  実    果実の形状Fruit  DrawingFruit section 3D object.
  実    果実の最大サイズFruit  DrawingFruit section scale at full size.
  実    果実のX軸回転Fruit  DrawingFruit section X rotation.
  実    果実のY軸回転Fruit  DrawingFruit section Y rotation.
  実    果実のZ軸回転Fruit  DrawingFruit section Z rotation.
  実    果実を放射状に整えるか?Fruit  DrawingFruit sections are radially arranged.
  実    果実の表面の色Fruit  DrawingUnripe fruit section front face color.
  実    果実の裏面の色Fruit  DrawingUnripe fruit section back face color.
  実    果実の表面の色Fruit  DrawingRipe fruit section front face color.
  実    果実の裏面の色Fruit  DrawingRipe fruit section back face color.
  実    果実の最終組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Fruit Creation and growthOptimal biomass (as percent of maximum
  実    果実の成長曲線Fruit Creation and growthGrowth curve.
  実    果実が成長するまでの最小日数Fruit TimingMinimum days to grow.
  実    果実が成長するまでの最長日数Fruit TimingMaximum days to grow.
  実    果実が熟す日の最大サイズFruit TimingDays to ripen once full-sized.

    根元Root top------------------------------------- Root top.
      根根元が地上に出る Root top  DrawingRoot top shows above ground.
      根根元の形状    Root top  DrawingRoot top 3D object.
      根根元の最大の大きさRoot top  DrawingRoot top scale at full size.
      根根元のX軸回転  Root top  DrawingRoot top X rotation.
      根根元のY軸回転  Root top  DrawingRoot top Y rotation.
      根根元のZ軸回転  Root top  DrawingRoot top Z rotation.
      根根元の表面の色  Root top  DrawingRoot top front face color.
      根根元の裏面の色  Root top  DrawingRoot top back face color.

  第二花序(脇枝の花房)Secondary flowers------------------------------- Secondary flowe
花弁     第二花序の花弁の数   Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsNumber of petals on flower.
花弁     第二花序の花弁の形状  Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal 3D object.
花弁     第二花序の花弁の最大の大きさ   Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal scale at full size.
花弁第二花序の花弁のX軸回転Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal X rotation.
花弁     第二花序の花弁のY軸回転Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal Y rotation.
花弁     第二花序の花弁のZ軸回転Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal Z rotation.
花弁     第二花序の花弁の表面の色Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal front face color.
花弁     第二花序の花弁の裏面の色Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petal back face color.
花弁     第二花序の花弁を放射状に整えるか?Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsFlower petals are radially arranged.
花弁第二花序の花弁花弁と主茎との角度 Secondary flowers  Flower PetalsAngle between petals and main stem.
花弁     第二花序の組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Secondary flowers Creation ad growthOptimal biomass (as percent of maximum
花弁     植物がどのくらい大きくなったら第二花序が開花するかSecondary flowers Creation ad growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁     第二花序の花弁が成長するまでの最小日数Secondary flowers TimingMinimum days to grow.
花弁     第二花序の花弁が成長するまでの最長日数Secondary flowers TimingMaximum days to grow.
花弁     第二花序の開花までの最小日数Secondary flowers TimingMinimum days before opening.
花弁     第二花序の落花の日Secondary flowers TimingDays until drop.
  しべ   第二花序の1つの花の花糸の数Secondary flowers StamensNumber of stamens in flower.
  しべ   第二花序の花糸の最大の長さSecondary flowers StamensFilament length at full size.
  しべ   第二花序の花糸の最大の太さSecondary flowers StamensFilament width at full size.
  しべ   第二花序の花糸の太さを次第に細くする割合Secondary flowers StamensFilament taper index (taper to % of wid
  しべ   第二花序の花糸の色   Secondary flowers StamensFilament color.
  しべ   第二花序の花糸と主要な花の軸との角度Secondary flowers StamensAngle between filament and main flower
  しべ   第二花序の葯の数    Secondary flowers StamensNumber of sections in anther.
  しべ   第二花序の葯の形状   Secondary flowers StamensAnther section 3D object.
  しべ   第二花序の葯の最大の大きさSecondary flowers StamensAnther section scale at full size.
  しべ   第二花序の葯のX軸回転 Secondary flowers StamensAnther section X rotation.
  しべ   第二花序の葯のY軸回転 Secondary flowers StamensAnther section Y rotation.
  しべ   第二花序の葯のZ軸回転 Secondary flowers StamensAnther section Z rotation.
  しべ   第二花序の葯の表面の色 Secondary flowers StamensAnther section front face color.
  しべ   第二花序の葯の裏面の色 Secondary flowers StamensAnther section back face color.
  しべ   第二花序の葯を放射状に整えるか?Secondary flowers StamensAnther sections are radially arranged.
   萼   第二花序のガク片の数  Secondary flowers SepalsNumber of sepals on flower.
   萼   第二花序のガク片の形状 Secondary flowers SepalsSepal 3D object.
   萼   第二花序のガク片の最大の大きさ  Secondary flowers SepalsSepal scale at full size.
   萼   第二花序のガク片のX軸回転    Secondary flowers SepalsSepal X rotation.
   萼   第二花序のガク片のY軸回転    Secondary flowers SepalsSepal Y rotation.
   萼   第二花序のガク片のZ軸回転    Secondary flowers SepalsSepal Z rotation.
   萼   第二花序のガク片の表面の色    Secondary flowers SepalsSepal front face color.
   萼   第二花序のガク片の裏面の色    Secondary flowers SepalsSepal back face color.
   萼   第二花序のガク片を放射状に整える Secondary flowers SepalsSepals are radially arranged.
   萼   第二花序のガク片と主茎との角度  Secondary flowers SepalsAngle between sepals and main stem.
花弁蕾    第二花序のつぼみの描画方法  Secondary flowers Flower budHow to draw bud.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみの数  Secondary flowers Flower budNumber of petals on flower bud.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみの形状 Secondary flowers Flower budBud petal 3D object.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみの最大の大きさSecondary flowers Flower budBud petal scale at full size.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみのX軸回転Secondary flowers Flower budBud petal X rotation.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみのY軸回転Secondary flowers Flower budBud petal Y rotation.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみのZ軸回転Secondary flowers Flower budBud petal Z rotation.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみの表面の色Secondary flowers Flower budBud petal front face color.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみの裏面の色Secondary flowers Flower budBud petal back face color.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみを放射状に整えるSecondary flowers Flower budBud petals are radially arranged.
  蕾    第二花序のつぼみと主茎との角度Secondary flowers Flower budAngle between bud petals and main stem.

       第二花序(脇枝の花房)Secondary inflorescences ------------------------------------- Secondary inflo
花弁    枝第二花序の主要な枝の花の数   Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureNumber of flowers on main branch.
花弁    枝第二花序の脇枝の花の数     Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureNumber of flowers per secondary branch.
花弁    枝第二花序の脇枝の数       Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureNumber of secondary branches.
   花柄     第二花序の花軸の色       Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureStalk color.
   花柄     第二花序の小花柄の色      Secondary inflorescences ArceitecturePedicel color.
花弁     花柄    枝第二花序の花序枝は交互Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureInflorescence branches are alternate.
   花柄     第二花序の花軸と茎の角度    Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of inflor. branch with inflor. st
   花柄     第二花序の花軸(花序の軸)の曲がり具合Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle between flowers (to bend infllore
   花柄     第二花序の花柄と茎の角度    Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of pedicel with inflor. stem.
   花柄   茎 第二花序の脇茎の場合の花柄の角度Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of peduncle with plant stem if ax
   花柄   茎 第二花序の頂点の茎の場合の花柄の角度   Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureAngle of peduncle with plant stem if ap
花弁     花柄   茎 第二花序の主茎の周りに花を螺旋状に配置するSecondary inflorescences ArceitectureFlowers spiral around main stem.
花弁     花柄   茎 第二花序のひまわりのようなヘッドタイプ  Secondary inflorescences ArceitectureHead type (like sunflower).
花弁     花柄     第二花序の頂点の場合、主要な軸の長さ   Secondary inflorescences SizePrimary stalk length if apical (termina
花弁     花柄     第二花序の脇花の場合、主要な軸の長さ   Secondary inflorescences SizevPrimary stalk length if axillary.
花弁     花柄   茎節第二花序の花と茎の間の節間(節と節の間)の長さSecondary inflorescences SizeInternode length (between flowers).
   花柄     第二花序の花柄(小花柄)の長さ Secondary inflorescences SizePedicel (flower stalk) length.
        茎 第二花序の茎の太さ       Secondary inflorescences SizeStem width.
   花柄     第二花序の花柄の太さを次第に細くする割合Secondary inflorescences SizePedicel taper index.
花弁     第二花序の花は頂上に付く    Secondary inflorescences Creation and growthApical (terminal).
花弁   茎 第二花序の組織量(最大に育った植物全体=100)Secondary inflorescences Creation and growthOptimal biomass (as percent of maximum
花弁     第二花序を形成に必要な組織量  Secondary inflorescences Creation and growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁     植物がどのくらい大きくなったら第二花序の花をつけるかSecondary inflorescences Creation and growthMinimum fraction of optimal biomass nee
花弁     第二花序の花が全て発育する日  Secondary inflorescences TimingDays for all flowers to develop.
花弁     第二花序の花は上から下へ発育するSecondary inflorescences TimingFlowers develop from top to bottom.
花弁   茎 分岐第二花序の分岐の最小の日    Secondary inflorescences TimingMinimum days for meristem to create.
花弁   茎 分岐第二花序の分岐の最長の日    Secondary inflorescences TimingMaximum days for meristem to create.
花弁   茎 第二花序が成長するまでの最小日数Secondary inflorescences TimingMinimum days to grow.
花弁   茎 第二花序が成長するまでの最長日数Secondary inflorescences TimingMaximum days to grow.
      苞葉第二花序の最初の花序の苞葉の数 Secondary inflorescences BractsNumber of bracts at start of infloresce
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉の形状      Secondary inflorescences BractsBract 3D object.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉の最大の大きさ  Secondary inflorescences BractsBract scale at full size.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉のX軸回転    Secondary inflorescences BractsBract X rotation.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉のY軸回転    Secondary inflorescences BractsBract Y rotation.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉のZ軸回転    Secondary inflorescences BractsBract Z rotation.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉の表面の色    Secondary inflorescences BractsBract front face color.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉の裏面の色    Secondary inflorescences BractsBract back face color.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉を放射状に整える Secondary inflorescences BractsBracts are radially arranged.
      苞葉第二花序の苞葉と茎の角度    Secondary inflorescences BractsAngle between bracts and inflorescence

(no section) --------------- ;---------------------- (no section).
描画する年齢(no section) Age for drawing.
X軸の起点(no section) Base point x.
Y軸の起点(no section) Base point y.
描画規模(no section) Drawing scale.
非表示(no section) Hidden.
選択(no section) Selected.
のX軸回転(no section) Xrotation.
のY軸回転(no section) Yrotation.
のZ軸回転(no section) Zrotation.