パラメーター補助 植物の名称と意味  全パラメーター一覧  PlantStudio目次


 1つの花のめしべの数         Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Number of pistils in flower.
 花柱の最大の長さ           Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Style length at full size.
 花柱の最大の太さ           Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Style width at full size.
 花柱の太さを次第に細くする割合    Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Style taper index (taper to % of width).
 花柱と主茎との角度          Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Angle between style and main flower axis.
 花柱の色               Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Style color.
 柱頭の数               Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Number of sections in stigma.
 柱頭の形状              Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section 3D object.
 柱頭の最大の大きさ          Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section scale at full size.
 柱頭のX軸回転            Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section X rotation.
 柱頭のY軸回転            Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section Y rotation.
 柱頭のZ軸回転            Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section Z rotation.
 柱頭の表面の色            Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section front face color.
 柱頭の裏面の色            Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma section back face color.
 柱頭を放射状に整える         Primary flowers, advanced Pistils Stigma sections are radially arranged.